All Right!

Bought a new camera– actually, a used and refurbished camera– and it arrived today!


So of course, after hitting Target and getting a case for it (purple!) and an SD card (on sale!) (and groceries, but those have nothing to do with the camera…), I had to take pictures of my cat:



Yes Sir, that's my baby!

He was being very good– sometimes he really hams it up whenever a camera comes out and I can’t get a good natural shot of him (though I can often get a great shot of up-his-nose-as-he-attacks-the-lens-with-lovins). Stayed nice and mellow and sleepy-faced despite the flash as he lounged on the back of the chair next to me.


Mohinder close up

That face!

So yeah, he was very good about helping me try out the new camera. He purred quite a bit through the whole process, and I scratched behind his ears after to thank him.


Mohinder naps

You didn't think I just had two of these, did you?

I guess you can expect more illustrative photos from me in future posts (although I’m  not sure how to photo-illustrate the more serious autism issues essays I’m working on… but the ‘fun’-type posts will have more pictures)


This weekend for sure I’ll be doing some heavy-duty photographing. Cat pictures, toy pictures, abstract shots, art photos…


OH! And while I’m here (here? On the couch? On the Internet? But you know what I mean…), thanks for everyone who’s read my ramblings/left nice li’l comments for me. I appreciate it every time, and if I was at all organized/more used to this whole blag thing, I’d actually reply to all of them… instead, for now, you get a blanket thank you.


1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Wendela
    Jan 23, 2011 @ 03:46:01

    Cute cat photos! =D


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